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muttu mc

A member registered Feb 01, 2022

Recent community posts

Carbidis if u can pls provide us with a date till which the next update will be available

When the version 0.6 of Eternum bwill be released???

When the Next version of act 2 will be released??

When will be next version of Ataegina Act II be released??

When will be next version of Ataegina Act II be released??

Still I don't have any idea when it will be released so if u can tell when it is most often released

When the next  version of Act 2 will be released??

What choices do we have to pick to get the Isabella scene??


can u send the link of the game plss

but they didnt release any update in January month end I think bcz I didnt saw any

When will be the next version or Act of Ataegina be released Kthulian??